
Lisa Benda

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit convallis sem, quis vulputate nisl dignissim ornare. Etiam eget ante facilisis, aliquam sem id, sodales nunc. Aenean metus mi, ultricies commodo auctor et, tristique vitae ante.
Articles by this Author

Difference Between Terrestrial And Satellite Microwaves

In this article, we will discuss the major differences between terrestrial and satellite microwave links and their advantages and disadvantages. Terrestrial microwave is a wireless telecommunications technology that links two ...

How Does A Terrestrial Microwave Work?

Terrestrial microwaves are the most common form of long-distance communication. Satellite microwaves involve sending transmissions between two or more earth-based microwave stations and a satellite. It is used for television, ...

How Is The Internet Helping With The Wireless Revolution

The world of technology has come a long way since its inception, and there are so many different devices that people can use today. The Internet has been around for ...

Information System for Electronic Medical Records

Electronic Medical Records are a major component of the healthcare industry. An electronic health record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient's paper chart. With an Information System for ...

Do VPNs Improve Gaming?

VPN services are becoming increasingly popular, but how can they be used for gaming? By Jean-Luc Seipke and Richard LiMarch 2, 2021 If you're a regular YouTube video and Twitch stream viewer or ...

8 Types of Internet of Things Security Threats

Naveen Joshi 28/12/2020   Businesses need to be aware of the different internet of things (IoT) security threats and implement an all-round cybersecurity strategy to protect themselves.   The introduction ...

Common Types of Precision Machining

Precision machining is a manufacturing process that uses computer-controlled machine tools to cut or shape materials, usually metals and plastics. There are many different types of precision machining processes available ...

Can the internet reinvigorate conservation?

By Richard Ladle, Paul Jepson & Ricardo Correia Nature conservation was one of the defining cultural forces of the 21st century but there are indications that its influence is waning: research suggests protected areas are ...

What is digital inequity? What is disconnection?

by Eye On Ohio Staff, Eye on OhioFebruary 25, 2020 Ohio's digital divide hurts those who can't afford high-speed internet Computer trainer and former library aide Shenee King has a ...

Adapting to electronic health records, but not without challenges

by Robert Fulton, California Health ReportSeptember 11, 2013 When the South Central Family Health Center adopted electronic health records last year, physician David Noya was keenly aware of the need ...
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