Microwave links are a great way to send large amounts of information across long distances. Microwave links can carry several thousand voice channels using frequency-division multiplexing. They are the most widely used form of point-to-point communication. They have been used in numerous cellular networks, wireless broadband internet access (WiMAX), video broadcasting, and private business radio systems.
Longer distances may be achieved by using larger antennae to focus more energy on the target area or raising repeater stations onto mountains or tall buildings. They’re typically used in areas where there is little or no fading. Long-distance transmission requires repeater spacings of 20 to 30 miles, but longer spacings are possible in areas where atmospheric conditions result in little fading.
Terrestrial microwave towers are no more than 300 feet high, and most manufacturers suggest a standard guy radius of 70 percent (80 percent for microwave) of the overall tower height. Microwave transmission is the most common form of transmitting data over long distances because it can carry several thousand voice channels using frequency-division multiplexing. This means that microwave transmissions are very reliable and cost per channel.
They are the most widely used form of point-to-point communication. They have been used in numerous applications such as cellular networks, wireless broadband internet access (WiMAX), video broadcasting, and private business radio systems. Longer distances may be achieved by using larger antennae to focus more energy on the target area or raising repeater stations onto mountains or tall buildings.
Terrestrial microwave transmission is used for ground-based communication only. It’s a great way to transmit data over long distances, but it does have some limitations. For example, the distance. If you want to send data further than that, you might want to look into satellite-based transmissions instead.
To learn more about the transmission of terrestrial microwaves, visit our blog section.
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